212 research outputs found

    Strategies for Modular Builds in E-Learning

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    Building in a modular way enables curriculum to be versioned for online short-courses and training. It also offers flexible e-learning for full-length university courses. This session will present strategies for designing and building curriculum in a modular way. The session will include examples from live courses that are currently offered. Participants may bring curriculum ideas and existing syllabi to discuss how a modular approach may work

    Co-Creating a Diagram in Microsoft Visio to Explore Underlying Image Rules

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    This interactive session will involve the audience co-brainstorming a representational diagram or model about a common phenomenon. As this is drawn on-the-fly, the group will consider various features of a diagram in order to surface how these are created and visually interpreted. Some basic elements to be considered: shapes, shape sizing and comparatives, line thicknesses, labels, arrows, relations in space, foreground / background, color, 2D and 3D, and other factors. Along the way, some of Microsoft Visio’s common features (templates, shapes, grouping, send-to-back / bring forward) will be discussed, and some aspects of human visual perception will be explored. If time allows, the group will alt-text their diagram with a textual version of the images information

    Defining “Style” for Instructional Design Projects

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    Complex instructional design projects typically have quite a few team members, principal investigators (PIs) who have to uphold grant requirements, and multiple “moving parts.” To handle complexity, some instructional designers work with the instructional development team in order to co-create an instructional design stylebook. Stylebooks incorporate team member contact information, team member roles, course build guidelines, technological standards, workflows, timelines, templating, alpha and beta testing, and other basic information. Such stylebooks are necessarily evolving and living workplace documents used throughout the lifespan of the work

    Developing a Distance Learning Faculty Wiki

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    The presenter discusses how the collaborative learning tools called wikis can be utilized, created, and maintained for faculty who teach via distance-learning can maintain discourse

    Analysis of the Back-end Data from the Mediasite Platform (at Kansas State University in 2017)

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    The Mediasite video platform enables the capture of screen- and web-cam based videos as well as their hosting. This presentation highlights some of what is gleaned from the back-end event-log data from a 2017 dataset from Kansas State University’s instance of Mediasite

    Social World Sensing via Social Image Analysis from Social Media

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    Social imagery, the visuals shared by users via various platforms and applications, may be analyzed to elicit something of massmind (and individual) thinking. This work involves the exploration of seven topics from various subject areas (global public health, environmentalism, human rights, political expression, and human predation) through social imagery and data from social media. The coding techniques involve manual coding, the integration of multiple social data streams, computational text analysis, data visualizations, and other combinations of approaches.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1037/thumbnail.jp

    Academic Writing and Publishing in a Digital Age

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    This overview will address the state of academic publishing related to issues of information technologies and e-learning. The presenter will review the conventions and ethics of academic writing; highlight the relevant laws; describe information gathering and research; describe academic publisher processes, and explain the digital imagery and multimedia requirements for both online and print publications. Participants are asked to bring their research, writing, and publishing ambitions, and a memory device or laptop to record their ideas for this interactive presentation

    Types of Digital Visuals in E-Learning

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    This session explores the various types of digital visuals used in e-learning, with examples covering one-dimensional to four-dimensional imagery. Examples will demonstrate how the addition of live data, time elements, image overlays, digital-enabled effects, and interactivity add value to electronic learning. Samples from live courses and sites will be shown. There will be a discussion of how the various types of images can be developed

    Preparing New E-Learning Faculty for Online Instruction

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    The presenter addresses concerns and issues associated with online instruction while providing information for instructors beginning their experiences in offering Web-based curriculum

    Drawing Decision Trees with Educational Data using RapidMiner Studio

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    What are decision trees, and how are they used in machine learning (data mining)? This session introduces computer-induced decision trees, their respective parts, how to interpret them, and how to induce them from common datasets (using RapidMiner Studio). This will show how parameters affect the induced decision trees and the levers that may be used to affect instructive decision trees used for predictivity (to anticipate the future based on data-induced patterns) and for as-yet uncaptured future data